Thursday, October 23, 2008

Not Business as Usual: TED moment 1

For those of you who haven't discovered, I highly recommend you get around to discovering it. It a collection of recorded "ideas worth sharing" (mostly in English) on a mind-boggling array of topics.

One of the more popular TED moments on poverty & development is Hans Rosling's sharing of insights on poverty. Watch the whole thing. If you can't stream it on your connection, download it or leave a note for me and I'll email you the download. Professor Rosling has done a truly amazing job of taking the dizzying array of statistics we use to measure poverty & development and make them 'real' and easy to see.

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The point of this blog is to share my experiences and perspectives on my experiences as an OVS, the politics of my world, the wonders and tragedies of my communities, and anything else that finds its way into my average little head. Keyword: "my."

The opinions expressed on this blog represent my own and not those of my employer or any organization I may be affiliated with.

In addition, my thoughts and opinions change from time to time. I consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind and a natural result of the experiences that this blog chronicles.
Furthermore, I enjoy reading other peoples' blogs, and commenting on them from time to time. If you run across such comments, the opinions expressed therein also represent my own and not those of my employer or any organization I may be affiliated with, nor should you expect the views in those comments to remain static for all time. Feel free to draw your own conclusions about my formal political leanings and affiliations from the slant of those blogs, with the understanding that those conclusions are probably wrong.

(props to daveberta for inspiration on the wording)