Friday, August 21, 2009

Finger Shake Hat Tip: Edmonton Intl Fringe and Related Matters

I've spent much of this week a-Fringing.

I overlooked my annoyance at the fact that the actual title of the "Stage a Revolution" Fringe doesn't actually have the word "Fringe" in it (again) and set off, program in hand.

Despite being a mixed bag, the Fringe remains one of my favourite Edmonton festivals. That being said, it is a mix, so I wanted to share some of the highlights and lowlights of this year.

I spy with my little eye, something that was the same at the Saskatoon Fringe

And that is the Review for this year's Fringe Production of School House Rock: Live! which played at 3 Canadian Fringes.

Planet S magazine out of Saskatoon and SEE Magazine out of Edmonton, ran the same review of this kids' show, with the exception of some extra "a-a-a"s, an added "ABC" and a sentence or two at the end.

Though I didn't compare scientifically, most of the other shows that toured between Saskatoon and Edmonton (including Burlesque Unzipped, G-Men: Defectives, and Raunch) warranted their own made-in-Edmonton review.

Isn't that cheating a little? Sure the show's on tour, but I for one don't really think it's cool for reviews to be touring too.

Speaking of Kids' Fringe: Tsk, Tsk on the Venue Change, Edmonton

Those of you who attended shows for the kids at previous Edmonton Fringes may remember sinking into the beautiful, air-conditioned and centrally located PCL Theatre to take in whatever tickled your fancy.

Not so this year. This year the kids' venue is the Strathcona Community League.
In addition to being a couple of blocks off of the main Fringe grounds (and therefore a couple of blocks from the KidsFringe), the Community League is HOT.
And as much as it sucks to see grown-up shows in a stuffy over-warm venue, grown-ups who go to the Fringe tend to be troopers. Asking kids to sit through a play is enough of a challenge as it is (even a really, really good play). Asking them to do it in a venue that has to tinfoil over its windows to try and keep the natural light and heat out (and, on the heat front, failing miserably) really just isn't fair. While I think it's great that the Fringe does cater to family Fringers, I think they did a better job last year with centrally located kid-friendly programming and a theatre that made it comfortable and convenient for parents to expose their children to the Fringe.

Yay! Volunteer Love!
As much as I'm annoyed about the venue change for kids' shows, I heartily approve of the Fringe making an effort to take better care of its volunteers. Not that the festival hasn't made that a priority before, but the volunteers (along with the crazily overworked staff) are the lifeblood of the festival, and some air conditioning near the box office seems like a lovely idea.

The Shows
I loved loved loved Addition: An Unconventional Love Story, nggrfg and The Be Arthurs Reunion Tour, and most of the other shows I've seen have been great too (including School House Rocks: Live!. Yes, I go see plays for kids. So what? I like comic books too...). Usually there's at least one or two cringe-worthy performances in the bag I manage to see (and, with a couple of solid days of Fringing left, I might find a cringer yet), but this year has been a remarkably entertaining Fringe for me.

The Arts
When I convocated from the U of A, I was fortunate to have Felix (Fil) Fraser join my class as an honorary degree recipient. Fortunate both because Mr. Fraser is a credit to the arts and also because he's a tremendously engaging speaker.
Towards the end of his speech to my class (or half class, as U of A arts now graduates too many students to be in the Jubilee Auditorium all at the same time), Mr. Fraser said something that really stuck with me. He said,

"In the face of the million human tragedies that are a constant feature of our information society, we need to constantly remind ourselves and the world that we humans, who can kill and maim and destroy in the name of self righteousness, are also the ones who make music.
It is the arts that humanize us. Never let anyone tell you that the arts are a frill; that they should pay their own way; that there are more important things in life than the expression and appreciation of human creativity."

I feel echoes of that sentiment when I get the chance to experience the Fringe. It's a madcap expression of the diversity of the human spirit, and it takes the community along for the ride. I love the passion and enthusiasm that the festival brings out in this city, and I especially love that Edmonton has such a great opportunity for so many people to experience the arts, be it for the first time or over and over and over again every single year.

Anyway, like I said, there is more Fringe left to see, so I'm off to go see it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

There and Back Again - Hiatus Over

Last time you tuned into this blog, I was in Malawi. More specifically, I was leaving Malawi.

Times have changed, and I've been busy since.
I'm back in Edmonton now, working a steady job and getting up to speed on a surprisingly large number of side projects, including The First Drop. As you can tell by its addition to my side-bar, I'm pretty excited about where this project is going, and consequently am putting my proverbial back into it.

I'm also trying to devote time to Better Edmonton, which you can follow on Twitter or find on Facebook.

There are other projects, but they're not quite ready to be aired on a blog.

Which brings me to the question that anyone actually reading this now might be asking themselves: why is this blog back?

Good question. In a surprise twist, here's an honest answer.

I have always found it helpful to write, and have always found that my writing style has only two gears: inappropriately informal and stuffy to the point of academic incomprehensibility.

As one of the voices @thefirstdrop (and on their blog), I feel like writing more will help me get better at sending words forth into the land of Web 2.0.

I also find it helpful to wax philosophical on occasion and I've found that periodic spurts of ranting and raving enhance my calm. Sometimes, there are real pearls in those rants, raves, and waxes that other people find interesting or at least entertaining. And I like the attention. ;)

Last, one of my open secrets (and, hopefully a 'secret' that many more people share with me), I think that lots of the things I care about are worth caring about and, if something is worth caring about, it's worth knowing about, talking about, writing about and even, sometimes, doing something about.

And I still find it helpful to write.

So this is a place for me to do all that. To write however I want about whatever I care about today, to improve my writing generally, to plug causes that I'm doing something about, to rant, to rave, to wax and to wane, and above all, to have my own little slice of fiefdom on the world wide web where I can release personal diatribes and witticisms that serve my purpose - whatever that purpose happens at that particular moment.

With any luck, my purposes will, on occasion, resonate with yours.



The point of this blog is to share my experiences and perspectives on my experiences as an OVS, the politics of my world, the wonders and tragedies of my communities, and anything else that finds its way into my average little head. Keyword: "my."

The opinions expressed on this blog represent my own and not those of my employer or any organization I may be affiliated with.

In addition, my thoughts and opinions change from time to time. I consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind and a natural result of the experiences that this blog chronicles.
Furthermore, I enjoy reading other peoples' blogs, and commenting on them from time to time. If you run across such comments, the opinions expressed therein also represent my own and not those of my employer or any organization I may be affiliated with, nor should you expect the views in those comments to remain static for all time. Feel free to draw your own conclusions about my formal political leanings and affiliations from the slant of those blogs, with the understanding that those conclusions are probably wrong.

(props to daveberta for inspiration on the wording)