(Recap: Earrings for Africa! is a fundraising project that my good friend Jenna is spearheading to help me as I prepare to take off on EWB's dime). And is nearly wrapping up, as I leave Edmonton today to spend some time with my family before I take off properly.
I'm really grateful to everyone for your support.
To the point then...
Fundraising Goal (not just the jewelry, but in total): $750.00
Day 44
Number of people in the facebook group: 72 (down from a peak of 75, and still pretty awesome)
Number of items created (including several non-earrings and thanks to the efforts of a number of my crafty friends): a lot. Probably close to 50, but I don't feel like updating the Excel formula to find out.
Number of items sold (thanks to the support of all kinds of wonderful people): 40
Funds raised so far: $543
Number of donations (many more thanks): 5 (not including people who told us to "keep the change")
I am, at this point, waiting to hear back from some of the letters I've sent. With any luck, that will be enough to put us over the $750.00 mark. If not, I'm still really grateful for your support. $500 is a lot.
We will still be selling the last few items we made, if people are interested.
Either way, sorry for the post drought in September (it's been a busy couple of weeks). I promise this blog will actually have interesting things to read on it from now on (as in, not fundraising updates ;-) ) starting with my next post (which will be up next time I have internet access).
Til then, thanks for reading!